This page shows businesses on Bristol Road. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.
Farrington Inn is a public house where customers can enjoy a range of alcoholic and soft drinks.
Address: Bristol Road, Farrington Gurney, Bristol, Avon, BS39 6TG
Little Chef is a chain of roadside restaurants found beside motorways and other major roads throughout the UK.
Address: Bristol Road, Farrington Gurney, Bristol, Avon, BS39 6TQ
M G Harris is a farm which sells a range of food and other items produced from animals.
Address: Whitecross Farm, Bristol Road, Farrington Gurney, Bristol, Avon, BS39 6TJ
Murco Petroleum Ltd is an oil refiner with a network of petrol stations around the UK.
Address: Murco Service Station, Bristol Road, Farrington Gurney, Bristol, Avon, BS39 6TG
West Country Cash Registers Ltd is a supplier of various cash registers and checkout equipment for shops and other commercial outlets.
Address: Ash House, Bristol Road, Farrington Gurney, Bristol, Avon, BS39 6TQ
Find out what people are saying about places on Bristol Road.
The food was awful soup no taste and luke warm, main meals awful actually looked like dog food on a plate no fresh vegetables to go with it, wine awful , service... More »
Map showing Bristol Road in Bristol.